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The most Cybersecurity-vulnerable nations in the EU

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The most Cybersecurity-vulnerable nations in the EU

While Denmark tops the list as the most digitized economy and society in the EU, the country is less committed to cybersecurity. This combination makes Denmark the most cybersecurity-vulnerable country in the EU. Greece comes across as the least vulnerable nation, due to low digitalization and a not-so-low cybersecurity framework.

Infographics can be used by the media, including the byline (including link):
Infographic courtesy of LogPoint

Global Cybersecurity Index 2020, International Telecommunication Union

Digital Economy and Society Index 2021, European Commission

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Maimouna Corr Fonsbøl

Maimouna Corr Fonsbøl

Press contact Head of PR PR & Communications +45 25 66 82 98

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